Founding Member Experience

Founding Member Experience

Founding Member Experience

As a Founding Member of Alpha Phi, you will make lifelong friendships, attend fun events and have the same experiences as your friends in other sororities, but you will also have the once-in-a-lifetime chance to create your own legacy at the University of Arkansas by establishing Alpha Phi.

New Member

Your new member experience in Alpha Phi will be amazing! It will kick off with you opening up your bid card in the Greek Theatre and running home with all of your new sisters.

From there, you’ll have tons of opportunities to have fun and get to know your fellow founding members while also learning all about Alpha Phi. You’ll have all the core moments that your friends in other chapters will have – new member meetings, new member retreat, big and little – but you will also get the chance to shape the chapter’s traditions from the start. 

Every week of your new member experience, you will be paired with an “Ivy Linker,” which is another Alpha Phi member, to help you get to know more sisters before our first “Phi Family Reveal.” This year, at our “Phi Fam Reveal”, you will get both a big and a little to begin our Arkansas Alpha Phi families!

Later this fall, you and your sisters will get initiated into Alpha Phi and share in our 152 years of tradition!


As soon as you join Alpha Phi, you’ll have a full calendar of events to enjoy! 

Nothing will be more fun than going to cheer on the Razorbacks with your sisters, and we will participate in homecoming later this fall. Each week, Alpha Phis will have multiple sisterhood events they have the chance to attend, which will be both fun and a chance for you to get to know one another! 

You’ll also have a great lineup of social events to attend. This year, you’ll have a formal, a semi-formal and a bunch of other functions as well as coke dates with fraternity new members! Alpha Phi will immediately begin participating in the other fraternity and sororities events and supporting their philanthropic efforts! 

The chapter will also host their first philanthropy events this year! We can’t wait to involve the University of Arkansas and NWA communities in supporting women’s heart health. This spring, Arkansas Alpha Phi will hold their first Red Dress Gala, which is an Alpha Phi signature event! It typically consists of an auction and dinner that raises money for heart health. We are so excited for your families, friends and local Alpha Phi alumnae to attend this fun-filled, impactful event.

One of the highlights of your year as a founding member will be Installation Weekend! This is the weekend that Arkansas Alpha Phi will officially become an Alpha Phi chapter, and it is a chance to celebrate you with the community, your friends and family!


One of the most exciting opportunities as a founding member is the chance to become a chapter leader almost immediately. 

After Bid Day, every member will join a committee and have the power to shape the future of Arkansas Alpha Phi. No matter what you’re interested in, there will be a committee for you! From banners to social to recruitment, you will be able to explore your interests and take the first step on your Alpha Phi leadership journey while getting to know more of your sisters. 

This fall, we will hold our first officer elections! 

Whether you join a committee or hold an officer position, you’ll have the power to shape the future of Arkansas Alpha Phi. With more than 50 leadership roles, every member has the chance to make a difference in an area that interests them!